5 of The Best Google Data Studio Templates You Can Try For Free in 2021

Designed for Facebook Ads, Google PPC, Analytics, Ecommerce, Google Search Performance and more.

Josh Cottrell-Schloemer
2 min readOct 9, 2020
A large dashboard with a map of the world, blue and green line charts, tables and pie charts.
Facebook Ads template I built for the Supermetrics Facebook Data Studio connector

There are tons of free templates available for Data Studio. This post includes 5 exciting options that show off some of its best features.

Data Studio is a free data visualization tool that connects to almost any data source including ad platforms, CRM tools, spreadsheet tools, payment processors, social media platforms, google tools, data warehousing systems & much more. It allows you to build dynamic & actionable dashboards in minutes.

Take a look at these embedded reports. These are real live dashboards so try interacting with them, clicking, etc.

#1 The SFO Passenger Summary Dashboard

This report uses data about airlines and travelers at SFO airport. It gives you a quick overview of the types of travelers visiting SF and shows off some of the visual design tools available in Data Studio.

#2 Facebook Ads Template

This template uses Facebook Ads data from Supermetrics. It highlights the incredible flexibility that Data Studio offers to get creative with your chart designs.

#3 Google Search, Analytics, Twitter + Youtube

This report shows off how Data Studio can efficiently combine data from a wide range of different sources.

#4 Google Analytics — Acquisition EEG

Data visualization tools make it much easier to look at metrics across different time periods. This report is designed to give you a snapshot of your performance and let you see if it is above, below or inline with your historic performance.

#5 Google Ads

Transparency, gradients and background images make it easy to match your dashboard to your brand. Any color and style is possible. This report highlights the top metrics for your Google Ads campaigns.

Thanks for taking a look!

These reports are all built by Cottrell Consultancy — send your questions through to cottrell [@] hey.com

If you use these reports then you can show your support by using our affiliate links for Power My Analytics and Supermetrics



Josh Cottrell-Schloemer
Josh Cottrell-Schloemer

Written by Josh Cottrell-Schloemer

Building data-focused products. Startups acquired=1. Hobby = making Google Data Studio & Excel beautiful.

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